That kids are toxic, I know! But I can hardly blame my little angels for giving me 2 kinds of flu this past 3-4 weeks. Can I?
Now, only fever. Started coughing today, but that's it! Called the hospital, the nurse was sympathetic and listened to all my complaints and then said: Well, I'm sorry dear, but you can only rest and try to exercise your immune system a bit more. By doing what? Lick on every public door handle I see? Since spending time with three toxic kids are not qualifying as immune-exercise I mean.
Well, shouldn't complain to much. I will get to eat ice-cream tonight! If The Engineer don't get all house-man-y and starts to pack/throw stuff... Then I guess I have to help... by laying down and pointing out everything he missed of course! ;P
poor babushka....you look pathetic! And you know I'm all about exposing oneself to lots and lots of immunological stimuli! lick the public door handle, wipe your bum on the public toilet seat, play in the dirt with the kids, and french kiss that homeless bum on the street corner for a good five minutes! that should do it!